Realtime personalized alerts about Service Disruptions and Train Occupancy in Interurban Trains in Catalonia
Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya (FGC), an interurban network operator in Catalonia, has deployed real-time personalized alerts for the users that warn about service disruptions and train occupancy for their convenience in mobility planning decision making. The service was launched with the aim to improve customer experience in COVID times.

The GeoTren Service displays real-time information about the percentage of loading of each car of the train. FGC has also enabled a set of personalized alerts about service disruptions in her usual lines and stations. These both features combined help the user to better make her decisions for her mobility needs, especially in this COVID time, so that it helps to regain trust in Public Transport System.
The information is integrated in FGC app. There are other features, like the app being capable to show in real-time the station displays.