How ACES will transform the Automobile industry? | Mark Norman (#037)
Chapters: Personal Journey - Operator to Investor About FM Capital and Investment Thesis Future of automobile industry - ACES (Automation,...
Micromobility is Changing the way We move for the better | Sebastien Bihari (#026)
Chapters: About Sebastien Bihari Transition from Private Equity to Venture Capital Vektor Partners - Investment thesis and sector Startup ecosystem...
Africa needs more investment in mobility and logistics infrastructure | Olu Oyinsan (#020)
Interesting Notes: Introduction About Olu Oyinsan The story behind Oui Capital Startup ecosystem in Africa - Forecast for the next...
Electric vehicles and shared mobility for Smarter cities – Michael Granoff (#013)
Show Notes: About Michael Granoff and Securing America's Future Energy (SAFE) About Maniv Mobility and its mission Tel Aviv Startups...