China will expand V2X and advanced Autonomous Driving application
Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission (CAC) of China is an apex body for policy formulation and implementation body for internet-related issues. CAC released its Five-year plan (2021-2025), focusing on V2X and autonomous driving development in China.

The key focus areas are:
1. V2X Application – The government is planning to expand the demonstration of V2X applications in the real world. Some specific measures include:
- V2X pilot zones on a national level
- Construction of intelligent connected vehicle road infrastructure
- 5G-V2X demonstration network
- Building synergetic capability between “human, vehicle, road, cloud, network” through onboard intelligent equipment
- Road-side communication equipment, road infrastructure, and intelligent control infrastructure
- L3 and higher levels of advanced autonomous driving application
2. Intelligent Port: The plan is to promote automation, as well as, reformation of new-generation autonomous port and storage yard. Some specific measures include:
- Port information infrastructure based on the 5G network
- Beidou Navigation Satellite System
- Use of IoT technologies, building connected port-vehicle synergetic intelligent system
- Expanding automated container wharf operation systems
- Remote operation technologies
- Autonomous driving demonstration for container trucks
3. Energy Management: The plan is to promote the electrification drive. Specific measures include:
- Optimized and balanced energy management system
- Real-time monitoring, online analysis, and dispatch for regional energy information
- Mutual interaction between electric vehicles and intelligent grid
- Charging infrastructure system